At Quirk we believe that knowledge should be shared – freely and openly.
Download our textbook now
Education shouldn’t cost you the world and we’re invested in making our content accessible to all. In true commitment to Open Education you can once again download the Digital Marketing book free of charge.
If you fancy the hold-it-in-your-own-two-hands and take-it-with-you-wherever-you-go option, you can also purchase the super sexy newly re-launched printed 4th version.
This free Internet marketing book reinforces Quirk’s commitment to the Open Education Declaration, aiming to make educational resources available to all students. Students wanting to download the free digital marketing book can do so below, either all in one go or chapter by chapter.
Grab your very own copy now to learn how to implement holistic and integrated digital marketing tactics to help companies achieve any business goals, from the team at Quirk. After all, we’re industry leaders for a reason.
Download a version for Kindle or iPad
To read our book on your iPad you will first need to install a PDF reader. You can find one here. You can then download the PDF as normal and view it on your iPad.
The book is also available for the Kindle. Visit Amazon to buy it now.
Please send any feedback you have about these versions and we hope you enjoy reading the book!