Where to Buy CBD Backlinks

In digital marketing and SEO, backlinks are essential for boosting website visibility and authority. As CBD-related products and services gain traction, knowing how to acquire CBD backlinks is crucial for effective online marketing. 

In this guide, we’ll explore what CBD backlinks are, why they matter, and how you can get them to improve your website’s SEO. 

Key Takeaways

  • CBD has been a lucrative and fast-growing industry for the last five years, which makes the niche very competitive.
  • The majority of webmasters wouldn’t link to a CBD-related website, even if you pay them for the link placement.
  • You can buy CBD backlinks from various sources like guest post marketplaces, specialized agencies, or freelance services. 
  • CBD links are hard to find and usually are expensive. 

What Are CBD Backlinks?

CBD backlinks are backlinks coming from a CBD-related website.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has become incredibly popular as a supplement in recent years, with its presence spanning tinctures, gummies, drinks, and vape juice. As the industry grows, so does the competition among eCommerce platforms, retailers, and CBD websites.

With CBD’s claimed health benefits attracting more users, the competition for online visibility is becoming increasingly fierce. This is where quality CBD backlinks come into play. These backlinks help companies stand out in search engine rankings, ensuring their websites and products receive more exposure.

Where to Buy CBD Links

You can buy CBD backlinks from various sources:

  • Guest post marketplaces: Many platforms offer guest post resale services, but only a few accept CBD-related content and charge higher prices for CBD links. We recommend checking out SEO.Domains
  • Black Hat World marketplace: BHW is an amazing SEO forum with a great marketplace for any kind of SEO product. 
  • Freelance services: Fiverr is a popular platform offering freelance services for CBD links and backlinks. It provides a range of options for cheap but low-quality CBD backlinks and a chance to explore different services to find the best fit for your project. 
  • Browse our inventory of CBD links – we at Quirk.Biz have 300+ websites related to Health or CBD that accept both Homepage links and Guest posts. Fill out the contact form below, email us at info@quirk.biz, or visit our contact page to check our list.


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    Why backlinks are so important in the CBD niche?

    Backlinks play a crucial role in defining website rankings across different sectors, including the CBD industry. However, with some notable challenges in the CBD niche, having good backlinks is even more important. 

    CBD is one of the most lucrative affiliate niches due to expensive products and high-paying affiliate programs. Also, the CBD industry by itself has gained a lot of traction in recent years, proving the health benefits of CBD products, so there is a lot of user interest as well. This means you will compete with some of the best SEO professionals if you run a CBD affiliate website. 

    In highly competitive affiliate niches, links are extremely important because having a perfect and well-optimized website is just the start.  To outperform competitors, excelling in off-page strategies is key. This is where CBD backlinks come into play.

    Having in mind everything mentioned above, the entire SERP for affiliate CBD queries is full of websites with thousands of Referring Domains, meaning search engines expect a similar backlink profile from you to rank you on page #1.

    You can think of this like this – everyone in the CBD niche has done a perfect Onpage SEO, so the real competition is in acquiring more and better backlinks than your competitors. The ideal mixture of CBD links should look like a mix of Guest posts, niche edits, and homepage links. Ideally, you want guest posts from authoritative websites (usually general media sites) and niche edits, homepage links, and guest posts from health / CBD-related websites or PBNs.

    Learn more about how important are backlinks for SEO: https://quirk.biz/how-important-are-backlinks-for-seo/

    Why CBD Backlinks Are Hard to Find 

    CBD backlinks can be hard to find because of the complicated rules and regulations surrounding the CBD industry.

    • Legal Complexity: There are some legal regulations around CBD content and the way you present it, which are different in the different countries are even states in the US.
    • Legislative Changes: The legal status of CBD is still evolving, causing uncertainty among website owners about linking to CBD content.
    • Stigma and Prejudice: CBD is one of the so-called “sensitive” niches. People don`t want to link to sensitive niche websites for two reasons – moral prejudice and the fear that they can hurt their websites. Lingering misconceptions about CBD may discourage some websites from linking to related content due to its association with recreational drug use.
    • Fear of Negative SEO: Some CBD businesses may resort to unethical SEO tactics, causing concern among potential link partners about association with questionable practices.
    • Strict Advertising Policies: Major platforms like Google and Facebook have strict CBD advertising policies, pushing businesses toward alternative marketing strategies.
    • Information Reliability Issues: The young CBD industry results in an overload of online information, not all of which is accurate or credible, making it challenging to secure backlinks from authoritative sources.
    • High Prices: If you find a webmaster willing to link to your CBD blog, he will probably ask for more money compared to a regular backlink. It is nearly impossible to get a good amount of organic and natural links, even if you write the most amazing content. It is not impossible, though, but it will be hard and very expensive to do so. 
    • Fierce Market Competition: The oversaturated CBD market makes it difficult for brands to stand out and acquire high-quality backlinks. 



    In the competitive world of online marketing, securing CBD backlinks is vital for boosting search engine rankings, attracting organic traffic, and building credibility in the cannabis industry. 

    By employing strategic link-building strategies and following industry best practices, CBD businesses can successfully navigate the backlink terrain and strengthen their online visibility.

    Hristo Bogdanov

    Hristo Bogdanov is a domain specialist and an SEO expert. He has been practicing SEO since 2018 and working on a variety of projects - from e-commerce and local SEO to affiliate marketing and SaaS businesses. He is been actively buying, selling and using domains since 2020 and has an extensive knowledge in the domain industry.


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